
Church on Vogel hosts regular Hymn A Long events coordinated by Robert Park which provide an opportunity for believers to come together to praise our Lord through powerful hymns with their rich truths and theology which leads us to delight in God and stand in greater awe of Him in our lives. In all Hymn A Longs, efforts are made in order to share background information about the Hymn Writers and/or Composers who put together the hymns that are sung.

Our goal is simply to praise the Lord together and lift up His wonderful Name in praise and worship, through singing hymns. God loves the praises of His people, and we love to praise Him, for He has done so much for us.

Psalm 34:3 – 
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.

Psalm 98:1 – O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: 

Psalm 96:1-3 – O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.

Psalm 40:3 – And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: 

Format and What to Expect 
A Hymn A Long event is made up of a number of hymns and older Choruses which are sung, with each presentation lasting between 60-75 minutes. We usually only use a piano. Words for the hymns are all displayed on a screen, allowing us to focus on the words we are singing, and Who we are singing about.

Each Hymn A Long event is followed by a Fellowship Tea. The Fellowship Tea is a much valued time of fellowship, with most people staying on.

All are invited to Hymn A Long events and there is no charge for attending. Even if you do not know many of the hymns, please come along and enjoy the warmth of the atmosphere. You can also help us spread the word by inviting friends who you think will enjoy something like this.


Upcoming Events
Hymn A Long events held at Church on Vogel generally last from 4:30pm – 5:45pm and they are then followed by a Fellowship Tea which usually finishes around 7pm at the latest.

The next Hymn a long – Sunday 10th November

The theme for this evening is ” Jesus is coming again”  a selection of loved Gospel Hymns to encourage on this “pilgrim way”


All meetings in the Will of the Lord and subject to change. If you don’t have a Hymn A Long in your area, and would like one, please contact me, for information.

What is Your Favourite Hymn?
I want to know your favourite hymn and WHY it is so special to you. Please email this through to me (or write it out and pass it on to me), and if I get enough, this may result in a special Hymn A Long event using YOUR favourites (your name will NOT be used!).

Contact Details:
Robert Park
Address: PO Box 5454, Palmerston North, 4441
Phone: (06) 354 7734
Email: robert.park@xtra.co.nz

Brief History and Thoughts
In late 2001 a Christian lady in Upper Hutt had a vision from the Lord, to start up Hymn Sing A Longs in memory of her late husband who loved singing hymns. The first Hymn A Long meeting was held in Lower Hutt in January 2002. Between 2002 and 2012, Hymn A Long meetings were held in Lower Hutt five times a year. During these years, we just sang hymns interspersed with relevant thoughts and Scriptures.

A ‘Bring and Share’ Tea follows the Hymn A Longs and provides a wonderful time of fellowship with believers from various churches. This format continues to the present time. In 2012, Robert was asked to present a 1 hour presentation on “The Life and Hymns of Fanny Crosby” and this marked a major turning point for Hymn A Longs going forward. From 2012, a variety of Hymn A Long themes have been presented, among them:

  • The Life and Hymns and various Hymn Writers, like Fanny Crosby, Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, etc etc.
  • Themed Hymn A Longs, e.g., ‘Hymns of Heaven’, ‘Hymns of Testimony’, ‘Songs We Sang in Sunday School’, ‘Easter Hymns’, Christmas Carols’, etc. 
  • General Selections, where a range of loved hymns are used.
  • Favourites – where we bring out the old Gospel Hymn books and sing favourite hymns from those in attendance.

In recent years, invitations have been received from other churches in the southern North Island area, and Robert visits these places on a regular basis. In 2015, Hymn A Longs started here at Church on Vogel, five times a year, and God has seen attendances grow to over 100 in recent times. Believers come from all over our City, and some regions beyond, and from many churches.

A few years back, a Youth Pastor came along to several Hymn A Longs, and, while he did not know the hymns, he just sat there, letting the truth of the words we were singing, soak deep into his soul. Others have told me, how they have known a particular hymn all of their life, but having heard something of what caused the hymn to be written, has made it even more special to them.

It has been my joy, by the grace of God, to present these Hymn A Longs since they started in 2002, and as different ones share with me something of the blessing they receive, my heart is warmed accordingly. To God be all the glory, great things He is doing amongst us!