Event details

  • Thursday | July 28, 2016
  • 7:30 pm

The purpose of the group is four-fold:
1) Bible Study. We want our people to grow as Christians as they learn from God’s Word and apply it in their lives. The Bible is the only textbook we use. We may use certain study aids, but the focus is always the Bible.
2) Prayer. We want to encourage prayerfulness among the members so that they will recognize the importance of coming before God our Father in worship, thanksgiving, and bringing their requests to Him.
3) Fellowship. We want people to build real connections with each other – a time for people to reach out to one another for help and with help. A time for the sharing of joys and blessings and disappointments that both encourages and creates empathy within the group.
4) Evangelism. We want people to live out the implications of the gospel – to grasp the gospel more and more, so they will be moved to serve God in witnessing to others of His saving grace.